Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm ready for surgery!!!!!!!!!!

I have an orthodontist appointment next week. The surgeon said I would be wearing surgical wires for 6 weeks before the surgery. It will be in September! I can't wait to get this overwith!! I'm not telling the date of the surgery because I really don't want any visitors in the hospital. I'd rather have people visit me once i'm feeling better and still off work. :-) I wonder what surgical wires are?


  1. Cory,
    My daughter who is 15 is having sugery monday the 20th, she is having both jaws moved 8mm forward.she is getting the surgery because she was born with a small bottom jaw and has sleep apnea and their trying to get her off a cpap machine. The wire the ortho is talking about are the thicker wires for your braces and instead of rubber bands on the braces they put these little wire things, they don't hurt. just hold stuff better in place. If you like i will let you know what to expect with the surgery after were are done. Good luck on your 's.I am under my hubby id name.

  2. Kim,
    Thank you so much! I feel alot better now :-). I hope that your daughter's surgery goes well, I would really appreciate you letting me know what to expect. It's good that she's getting the surgery now and getting it out of the way, and she doesn't develop joint problems.. I needed it at about that age...I already wrote all about that stuff on my first blog though. I hope all goes well on monday!

  3. I've just had my surgery done (on tuesday). I have/ had an overbite so my bottom jaw was moved 7mm forward. I was looking at various things on the internet (mainly trying to figure out how long this swelling would last!) and came across your blog. Good luck with your surgery.

  4. Thank you!! I hope your swelling goes down soon! was it scary waking up from the surgery? were you pretty comfortable because of the morphine? My overbite is 10mm plus they have to move my upper jaw forward as well so i'm wondering overall how much they will end up moving my lower jaw...I'll find out soon! Hope you feel better soon!

  5. I have been in no pain at all, but had to take soluble paracetamol after they took me off the drip, they don't taste very nice. I was really confuse when I woke up, just because I didn't know where I was. The most annoying thing is you really start to crave solid food. Soup does nothing for me. So eat plenty of sandwiches before you go, that's what I really want now.

  6. Bethany had her surgery,we spent a week in the hospital she is doing pretty good ,her swelling has gone down day by day. she wasn't in any pain after a couple days. but she was unable to hold down liquids so we had to come home with a feeding pump (ng tube down her nose) but this usally doesn't happen the drs told me , she just has a small stomach.But i can already see a difference. She doesn't regret having it done. any question just ask.

  7. I am having surgery mid august. I will be in surgical hooks one week before surgery. My ortho said the they chang out the wires that you have now for stronger and thicker ones. They will make sure that your brackets are on tight and add some hooks to your braces so that the rubberbands/wires can hold on too.

  8. In my Damon Braces experience, surgery wires were just a really strong stainless steel wire with some hooks built in... then right before surgery they put some more hooks on to band/wire you shut with. It's not bad - I was actually in my surgery wires on the bottom for 3 months before my surgery.
