Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'm getting my splint out tomorrow and then going straight to the orthodontist!!! I have to go straight to the orthodontist because they cut my upper archwire between my front teeth since he widened my upper jaw. I also noticed one of my brackets is no longer attached to my tooth. It makes sense that that particular tooth is the most awake and angry (although most of my teeth are very sensitive now and generally very unhappy). Pray my jaw doesn't get stuck like it has been and I can open wide enough for him to get the splint out and for the orthodontist to be able to work on me. I'M SO SCARED!
Pictures tomorrow after I get the monstrosity out!
Here is the most unflattering pictures EVER!


Here's my cute new puppy!

And his cute bunny butt!


  1. I'll be praying for you tomorrow. And I have to agree, that is a very cute puppy...and you know how I feel about dogs.

  2. AWWW cute doggy. Awww that looks like it sucks. Luckily I was just rubber banded shut but I will be thinking about you!

  3. oh it does suck lol...and I JUST got pretty good at drinking out of a cup with it. I've been using a turkey baster. After this, starbucks pumpkin latte HERE I COME!

  4. Good luck with that! Loose brackets post-surgery are lame...

    So, you have sensitivity with all of your teeth? Are you still feeling numb anywhere?

  5. Yay! I bet you can't wait to get that splint out! Good luck! PS your pup is adorable! :)
