Monday, November 2, 2009


Every time I see I have a visitor from germany I immediately think of this post

Also, I had an appt with my OS today because I've been having so much pain. I called their office on friday because I was having issues with my disability claim and kind of said "oh by the way, my jaw is killing me." The lady at the desk then put me on hold while she talked to one of the nurses and maybe Dr. Langan too. When she gets back on the phone she goes "That will take a long time to heal." *yey* so I think it must be completely normal. Then she adds; "but we want to see you a little sooner than your next appointment." My next appointment wasn't scheduled for like another month...they wanted to see me the next business day. hmmm...maybe it's not so normal after all. Either way I still don't know...he looked at me and told me to take loads of ibuprofen a day for 2 weeks and see if that works. I had this surgery to get off that stuff! :-( Hmph. it will go away. it has tooooo... :-((


  1. I'm still alternating between the ibuprofen and percocet.

    Hope that all is ok! If th ibuprofen isn't helping ask for something stronger.

    So I got my splint off (cannot remember if I posted a comment to you yesterday) too much going on. Anyway I totally love it. Though the ironic part is that I went to Ortho this morning, they put bands on and my teeth hurt more now than they have in the last 6 weeks. Go figure ;)

  2. That sucks...they won't even give you a break lol.
    I probably would ask for something stronger but then they won't let me have sharp objects around puppies lol.

  3. Ok, that's creepy about the Germans. I've installed the stat counter now so I can see who's been reading my blog. Some people are so weird.
